Relationships 2.0 With Dr. Michelle Skeen

Guest: Julie Fast, co-author of Loving Someone With Bipolar Disorder: Understanding and Helping Your Partner



My guest is Julie Fast, co-author of Loving Someone With Bipolar Disorder: Understanding and Helping Your Partner. Fast's book, Loving Someone with Bipolar Disorder, is a first of its kind book—written specifically for the partner of a person with bipolar disorder. If you have a loved one with bipolar, you know how disruptive and straining this disorder can be to your relationship. You may experience feelings of fear, loss, and anxiety as well as a constant uncertainly about your loved one’s ever-changing moods. This book is designed to help you overcome the unique challenges of loving someone with bipolar disorder. With the supportive and helpful information, strategies, and real-life examples contained here, you’ll have all the tools you need to create a loving, healthy, and close relationship.