Relationships 2.0 With Dr. Michelle Skeen

Guest: Karen Kropf author of Raising Teens With Sexual Self-Control



My guest will be Karen Kropf, who is the author of Raising Teens With Sexual Self-Control: A Parent’s Survival Guide Karen discusses her book: Mom… Dad… Can We Talk? There is an abundance of evidence which proves the strategies of well-meaning people trying PREVENT teens from being sexually active has produced exactly the opposite result. That’s why this book was originally titled “Did You MEAN to Raise a Sexually Active Teen?” But very few people seem to be aware of the proof, or that the methods educators and parents have been using since the 1960s DON’T WORK. I’ve spoken to hundreds of parents who were completely unprepared for the anarchy of adolescence. They usually sought me out when things were on fire. Navigating an unexpected pregnancy, reeling from an abortion decision, dealing with sexual infections, or obsessive behavior. In every single case, those parents had put off the training THEY needed to guide their child through the minefield of adolescence. “Hoping for the best” is not a stra