Chats With Susan Burrell

BE Expansive!



Here we are in 2023. I’ve had a slow start to this year and I am happy to finally be emerging into 2023. When I was a kid 2023, seemed so far in the future and it felt very "futuristic" – I always wondered if “the future” would play out as it did in the animated series, The Jetsons – okay so now I am dating myself. Or how about Star Trek? How many of you remember Star Trek? We are now in the midst of shifts and transitional changes, globally and personally. Last year the theme for Empowering Chats with Susan Burrell was “RE-Emergence.” And I remember thinking. Isn’t that great? As we come out of the pandemic – how are we going to reemerge? How are we going to re-establish ourselves and reemerge? And now looking back I realize that for me 2022 was about taking a deeper dive. One I had to take before I could fully reemerge. I first had to do some more internal investigating – which entailed the letting go of things and people that had harmed me throughout my lifetime. 2022 was more of a getting to know myself b