Citr -- Duncan's Donuts

24hrs of Radio Art special: BIRDNOTES



Wondering what birds you’re likely to hear today? BIRDNOTES has you covered. Get your daily avian auditory forecast, with host Duncan McHugh and field reports by Bryan Zandberg & Tim Martin. Featuring… American Crows Song Sparrows Dark-eyed Juncos Spotted Towhees Anna's Hummingbirds European Starlings American Robins Northern Flickers House Finches Varied Thrushs Glaucous-winged Gulls Northern Shovelers Great Blue Herons Double-crested Cormorants Canada Geese Barrow's Goldeneyes Common Mergansers American Coots Horned Grebes Ring-necked Ducks Bald Eagles Red-winged Blackbirds Fox Sparrows Red-breasted Nuthatches Downy Woodpeckers American Goldfinches Bushtits Golden-crowned Kinglets Steller's Jay?s Red-tailed Hawks Redheads American Avocets Prairie Falcons California Scrub-Jays Northern Mockingbirds Black-capped Chickadees Mallards Widgeons Great Black-backed Gulls Buffleheads