Closing The Gap With Denise Cooper

Transitioning from Me to We: How to Build a Strong Team



Are you afraid to give your team your best?In this episode, we interview Kyle Mcdowell, author of Begin With WE: 10 Principles for Building and Sustaining a Culture of Excellence, on what it really takes to create a culture that is focused on collective success vs. individual wins. This week, we discuss how picking each other up, taking action, making mistakes, and leading by example all works together to create a strong team dynamic. Kyle share strategies on how to establish healthy boundaries and rely on your teammates, even when it feels vulnerable. This episode is perfect for any leader who is ready to build a team that prioritizes the collective over the individual. THE FINER DETAILS OF THIS SHOWWhat does being an authentic leader really mean? [07:20]How might you approach a team member who overcommitted and wasn't able to deliver on what they said they would? [19:20]What is the "Leadership Gap"?[20:30]Everyone has experienced leading when you have a resistor on your team. Can you tell us a story about h