Retire With Integrity Podcast With Brian Bowen

Financial Resolutions for 2023



How are your resolutions doing so far? If you haven’t made any yet or have dropped the ones you started, maybe it’s time to pick up some financial resolutions. Brian talks about what you’ll want to do to get the year started off right. Then we talk about some things that happen in life, good and bad, and how to prepare for them financially. Here’s what we discuss on today’s show: What financial resolutions should you adopt? (0:12) Do you understand what you’re invested in? (4:12) Stop giving away retirement money in hidden fees. (5:59) Get a financial review when moving to a new job. (11:04) Receiving an inheritance is easier to walk through with an established relationship with an advisor. (12:32) Saving in an HSA can help with medical expenses now and later. (15:09) Prices are going up. (18:19)   Get Additional Information: