Building A Storybrand With Donald Miller | Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen

#109: Cameron Herold—How to Hire a Great “Second in Command”



One of the hardest parts of building a business is hiring the right people. This becomes even more challenging when you’re looking to hire a second in command. You need someone you can trust on a deep level and someone who has the right skills set for the job. If you make the wrong hire in this area, it can be catastrophic for your business and ruin years of hard work.   In today’s episode, guest host Dr. J.J. Peterson, Director of StoryBrand and host of the Marketing Made Simple Podcast, talks with Cameron Herold about how to hire the right person for this important leadership role. Cameron is the author of the book "Second in Command: Unleash the Power of Your COO" and shares practical tips on hiring a second in command and points out that it doesn’t always mean hiring a COO. Listen in now to learn how you can hire a second in command with confidence and clarity to help scale your business!   Go to and use promo code "BMS10" to receive 10% off Cameron's Invest In Your Leaders course.