Tuesday Breakfast

Invasion Day events, prison reform and abolition in Vic, Save our Songlines campaign in Murujuga, WA, First Nations anti-nuclear activism



Headlines- Public drunkenness to be decriminalised by November 2023 - Invasion Day Dawn Service 2023 - Queensland First Nations justice officer’s new role - Three people face Perth court charged with the murder of Indigenous teenager Cassius Turvey - The Right To Know scheme in NSW - Public health bodies to take over care in Victorian women's prisons - VALS Invasion Day webinar on Zoom today - register here - "Australia Day" parade cancelled - Invasion Day rallies in Naarm and across the country 7:15: Marisa from Doin Time and Nerita Waight (VALS) discuss the harm caused by 'tough on crime' politics, the alternative plan for Aboriginal Justice in Victoria, how the government is dragging its feet on prison reform and what prison abolition would look like.   7:30: Raelene Cooper speaks to Eiddwen on Earth Matters about the destruction of the Woodside Scarborough Gas plant and the proposed Urea fertilizer plant are having on the Murujuga in Western Australia, solutions for the region and the need for proper cons