Inbox Besties With Kate Doster

How to Actually Get Traffic from Pinterest In 2023 with Kate Ahl from Simple Pin Media



I'm thrilled to have Kate Ahl from Simple Pin Media on this week's episode of the Do the Brave Thing Podcast. Tune in to learn how to effectively manage a Pinterest account and get the most out of it, the drastic changes Pinterest has made over the last year, and what will be trending for 2023. Kate will also be sharing her insights about effective Pinterest strategy and its possibilities for online (and local) businesses.   Read the shownotes here:   Meet Kate Ahl: Kate Ahl is the owner and founder of Simple Pin Media, a Pinterest management and marketing agency. Her company has worked with over 1000 Pinterest accounts over the last 8+ years. Their goal is to help business owners understand how to leverage the platform to grow their email list, find cold leads, and make more sales. Kate is a Pinterest speaker, teacher, podcaster, and strategist. WEBSITE: INSTAGRAM HANDLE PODCAST: