Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

Does Levothyroxine Cause Cancer? Study of Over 600,000 Thyroid Patients Explained



A new study of over 600,000 thyroid patients from Taiwan suggested that thyroid patients taking levothyroxine have a 50% increased risk of developing cancer at any site. While concerning, the results of this study certainly do not prove that levothyroxine causes cancer but every thyroid patient taking levothyroxine should be aware of this potential connection. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/cas.14908 This information is not meant to cause fear or alarm but to simply break down this study, explain some of the issues with the study, and some of the key takeaways. Let’s start with the problems first: #1. The study was retrospective. Retrospective studies look backward in time at existing data and can show a correlation between things but do not necessarily prove causation. This is very important because many thyroid patients suffer from conditions that can also increase cancer risk and these must be taken into account. #2. More research is still needed before any definitive conclusion is ma