Think Hope Podcast

Urgent Prayer Vision



Hopeologist Dr. Rosalind Lewis Tompkins has a Hope Chat with Dr. Judy Mandrell about her vision for a Citywide Prayer Initiative. Dr. Judy Mandrell is a Servant of God living in Tallahassee, FL where she is a Co-Laborer in Life Changers Church of God in Christ with her husband Dr. Gerald Mandrell, Senior Pastor. Dr. Judy was awakened by the Lord at 2:00am early one morning and given the vision to call the City of Tallahassee to prayer by recruiting 100 pastors and churches to unite and agree to blanket the City with prayer, twenty-four hours a day. This Urgent Prayer Vision came on the heels of increased gun violence resulting in deaths taking place in the City of Tallahassee, the Capital of Florida. Dr. Judy Mandrell was obedient to the vision and organized prayer gatherings in neighborhoods where citizens have lost their lives. As well as asking people to pray for thirty minutes each day and unite in prayer once a week at different churches for the whole year. Please visit her Facebook Page for more inform