
A Lifetime Doing Nothing (Story 75 excerpt)



Story 75 from 'A Lifetime Doing Nothing' by Ian McCrorie. Years ago, when I would walk around my house late at night after everyone else was asleep, it felt like I had always lived there. I liked that it felt that way. As my oldest son said when he was three, “It feels as perfect as right.” I knew where the hardwood floors creaked, and I avoided those spots so I wouldn’t wake the baby who, like me, was a light sleeper. My wife and my five-year-old, he of the aphorism above, slept the sleep of the dead. I could drop a refrigerator on the creaky spots and they wouldn't stir.... narrated by Ian McCrorie 2023 4 minutes 24 seconds Listen to Streaming Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Download Audio (2.6MB) Audio copyright, 2023 Pariyatti 'A Lifetime Doing Nothing' as a book and eBook can be found at https://store.pariyatti.o