Business Conversations With Clive Enever

The Art of Systemising



Systemising your business has massive effects on your productivity, motivation and mental health. But where should you start? In this Business Conversation, entrepreneur Dan cross offers his expertise on the few simple steps any business owner can take to create a system that works for them and their business. Dan and I discuss: •The importance of systemising and prioritising your business •The HIPPO acronym and how it's at the heart of systemising success •How you can have it all as a business owner Dan Cross is a highly successful entrepreneur who has turned his mishap into a business opportunity, allowing him to help other business owners who are going through the same problem. Through systemising his own business, he created his new venture Hippo Business Services. Each week I'm joined by a new guest to dive into the many facets of business. Subscribe to my podcast here to join the Business Conversation: