Business Conversations With Clive Enever

The Power of Podcasting & Reading Books with Adam Ashton



While studying at University, Adam got a taste for a different kind of life. The well-trodden path of study+work+retire was all he'd ever known, until he started listening to podcasts and reading books. His eyes were opened to new ideas and new experiences that shifted his entire approach to life. In the years since, Adam has started his own small businesses, self-published a book, and hosts the 'What You Will Learn' podcast - a Top 10 business podcast with over half a million downloads and interviews with the likes of Seth Godin, Robert Greene, Gretchen Rubin and Dan Pink. Adam and I in this episode explored the Power of Podcasting & Reading Books and the wisdom you can gain through both. Download a free copy of his 'Top 50 Best Books of All Time' at