Business Conversations With Clive Enever

Three things you need to know to harvest more repeat sales with Ross Keating



Ross Keating is The Client Orchardist. He has appeared on webinars and podcasts in Australia and internationally showing business owners and executives how to grow more Delighted repeat customers and harvest more sales and profits.. Ross has managed sales teams, the development and sales of customer relationship management software and held management responsibility for 40,000+ customers and $36 million in sales. Through his business established in 2005, now called The Client Orchardist, Ross assists business owners and executives to include customer retention strategies and technology as part their overall business strategies and processes. Ross and I cover: 1. Isn't a customer just a customer? 2. Small businesses haven't got time to do business planning! Any plan changes so what's the point? 3. I've heard people talk about Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems. But I have got time to learn how to use them. What's the benefit of them?