Kettlebrook West Bend

Humility, Luke 14:7-11;9:46-48



According to Tim Challies, a humble person… 1. accepts ______________ for sin or wrongdoing. 2. complains about their ______________, not their circumstances 3. will serve the lowest __________ and the lowest _________ 4. is content to be ________________ by others magnifies ______________ Questions for Reflection/Discussion: 1. What circumstances in your life have pressed you into growing up and which circumstances have caused that growing up more rapidly than others? 2. If you could “grow up again”, in what ways would you want to grow up differently than the first time around? 3. What are some thing that you might admit that you personally still need to grow up in? 4. Read Luke 14:7-11 a few times. What sticks out to you as you read this parable? 5. As a group, brainstorm the different ways that Jesus does not just teach on humility, but displays humility. 6. Revisit the five points in the “notes” section above. How would you assess yourself in regard to these? In what ways mig