Human Resources For Small Business

Engaging Your Team and Transforming Your Business with Scott Ballard



Sit down with Scott Ballard, founder of Confidence Coach, to discuss the ever-present issue of employee engagement. Learn why a staggering 80% of employees are disengaged and how to partner with your people and invest in their dreams, visions, and goals. Ultimately, building your successful business starts with tapping into your greatest resource: your people.   TAKEAWAYS To boost engagement, leaders must address the root cause of the issue: the gap between the vision, goal, or dream for the company and the employee’s vision, goal, or dream for their life. Leaders must invest in helping employees build their lives while building the company. Happiness at work comes not when we reach our destination but as we progress toward the realization of a goal. When companies focus solely on business goals and neglect their people, they unknowingly cut themselves off from all the valuable energy, drive, and resilience of their employees. A business’s employees are its first customers — they have more knowledge of the