Healthy Critters Radio | Horse Radio Network

168 by Biostar US: Barrel Racer Linzie Lindsay, Sun Conure, Equine Gut Relief On The Go



We learn about barrel racing from Linzie Lindsay a Washington state barrel racing competitor, the critter of the show is sun conure, and in critter nutrition we focus on Biostar's new Hedgerow Pronto.Co-Hosts:  Tigger Montague from BiostarUS and Pati Pieucci from from Pierucci DressagePicture source Biostar US, Healthy Critters RadioGuest:  Linzie Lindsay, Washington State Barrel Racing IncentivesLinksHedgerow Pronto:  Fast Acting Gut Support for HorsesAsk HedwigLearn more about Whole Food Supplements for Your Horse and Dog's Optimal Health at Biostar USSupport the show