Healthy Critters Radio | Horse Radio Network

Healthy Critters 104, MDR-1, Arena Footing and Equine Asthma, Are We Overusing Omeprazole, by Biostar US



We discuss how latex in arena and track footing may affect equine respiration, explore Multidrug Resistance Mutation (MDR-1) and the use of Omeprazole for ulcers. Just for fun, we conduct a celebrity pet match.Co-Hosts:  Tigger Montague from BiostarUS and Pati Pieucci from from Pierucci DressageAsk Hedwig FacebookOMEPRAZOLE FOR HORSES WITH ULCERS: THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE QUESTIONABLELatex rubber could be an asthma trigger for some horses – studyLearn more about Whole Foods for horses and dogsSupport the show