Durban Christian Centre

Heal Our Land



God reigns over the nations; God sits on His holy throne.” (Psalm 47:8 NKJV)   Our God is still large and in charge and is still seated on His Throne from where He rules and reigns! And He is just as much interested in the affairs of heaven as He is of the earth.   Throughout the Bible, you will notice that whenever the enemy attempted to thwart the plans of God, God would simply expose and remove those with wicked intentions and replace them with men and women who carried the heart of God, who were ready to execute the plans and purposes of God on this earth.   Rest assured, that is how it has always been and that is how it is going to be until Jesus comes back again!   When God’s people humbled themselves by prayer and fasting, God exposed the wicked, removed them from their so called positions of authority and replaced them with God fearing people.   He did it time and time again and He will do it again and “heal our land.”