Bethesda Shalom

Deliverance or Bondage? (Pt.10) Blessings and Curses Pt. 3 – Paul M. Williams



Blessings and Curses Pt. 3 The generation that welcomed Derek Prince with open arms, sucking up his new-fangled teachings regarding blessings and curses, failed to hold him to account to the standard of the Bible.  God’s people were only too happy to sit at the feet of the guru and to be spoon-fed! Where were the Pastors warning their flocks?  Where were the watchmen lifting up their voices?   We see a huge resurgence in our day of the toxic teachings of Derek Prince as it relates to blessings and curses, fuelled to a large degree by his online presence on social media platforms like YouTube.  The only way in which this generation shall escape the error of the last is if they stop blindly following “Men of God” and instead begin following the “Word of God”.  In this tenth teaching part, we conclude our studies of what Derek Prince taught concerning blessings and curses.  We take another look at the wide spectrum of curses that a Christian can apparently be under and examine Biblically, the supposed steps need