Forth District

Homeless Clowns, Good Whites, and Going Vegan



Forth & Ten is a sports talk podcast hosted by three of the funniest comedian/sports fans in Atlanta: Nate Owens(@iam_owens), David Perdue(@DueOrDie), and Damon Sumner(@DamonJr). On every episode the guys will take on 10 topics related to sports across the country and generally be hilarious along the way! So tune in to what might be the most ridiculous/awesome sports podcast...EVER?On This Episode The Guys Talk:1. NFL Protests2. NASCAR Flags 3. Lebron Is Salty4. Melo to OKC #Hoodie5. Dwade going to...Cavs6. Nate Hates: Vegans 7. Ric Flair and 10,000 women? #NatesHero8. Thompson and Khloe Parents9. NFL Fears10. Wentz Owes Kicker $100K