Forth District

Defecation, Dedication, Da Hell is That? #Clippers #OBJ #NBAEasternConference



Forth & Ten is a sports talk podcast hosted by three of the funniest comedian/sports fans in Atlanta: Nate Owens(@iam_owens), David Perdue(@DueOrDie), and Damon Sumner(@DamonJr). On every episode the guys will take on 10 topics related to sports across the country and generally be hilarious along the way! So tune in to what might be the most ridiculous/awesome sports podcast...EVER?On This Episode The Guys Talk:1. Steph Curry Gets Rich2. Eastern Conference Is A Joke3. Clippers & Griffin Wear Questionable Tee 4. Klay Thompson Loses At Arm-Wrestling 5. Nate Hates: Disneyland6. UFC And "Stinky" The Defecating Fighter7. MLB Allstars: Who Cares8. Gronk Logo v Jumpman 9. OBJ leg tat? What da hell?10. Hockey for 11 straight days