

LOCK UP LIFE: 2 EXCLUSIVE EVENTS FOR YOU IN THIS WILD TIME! This is a wild time right now, and people, businesses and the worlds economy and we need to MASTER OUR MINDS through this... SO... I Brought in a mentor, mate and expert Mr Harlan Kilstein and on SUNDAY LIVE, Stephanie and myself will be hosting a #sundaymorningcoffee episode LIVE!!! Oh, did I say the word live?? haha CLICK GOING TO BOTH..! 1. Harlan and Andy LIVE: 2. Sunday Morning Coffee LIVE: INCUBATOR GROUP Make sure you are SAVING both days and times!! Come and join us no matter where you are in the world.. In this wild time in the world, here at Mindset By Design, I want to make sure you are keeping your thinking where it needs to be. HAPPY. GRATEFUL, FOCUSED & GIVING... oh and ready to make this year amazing!!