Jill Woodworth

TSC Talks! The State of Birth-Before & During COVID-19 with Corrine Pellard, Jodi Chapin & Jessica Petrone



I had the honor of speaking to three accomplished women about the current state of birth both locally and nationally. We discuss the increasing interest in home births, the advantages and disadvantages of home versus hospital births and how those expecting, or expecting to be expecting, can best prepare especially with the extra consideration of Covid19. Corrine Pellard is an Empath, Psychic Medium and Reiki Master. She is also a mom of two and tells us about her experience of both a hospital birth and an at-home birth. Corrine discusses the lack of control over the birthing experience that she experienced with her first child. She discusses being considered high risk because of her age and weight and how the entire birth experience was centered around preconceived notions based on the masses and not her individually. She was induced, unnecessarily in her view, was sick from the drug used to induce and delivered by cesarean section. She shares, “It was traumatic, and my healing my first two months of