

“What if hell was the experience of meeting the person you could have become the moment before you die, and heaven was the same experience because you fulfilled your potential —or came close?" Today’s Mind Bullet challenges us to reimagine a new and different concept of heaven and hell. MG's always recommending imagination exercises, so this one grabbed his attention. Consider the best version of yourself—the ultimate person you ever could become. Whether or not you actually get there is beside the point; the pursuit is the success. In fact, this, arguably, is what the Habit Factor is all about: the pursuit of idealization (see our episode devoted to idealization). How do you match up with your ideal version? How have your habits matched up with that fully idealized future self? It doesn’t matter if you’re not there yet, or not even close. You have the power to pivot, change direction, forge new habits, and continue pursuing the future of your dreams. This mental exercise is an excellent wake-up call for all