

"No man is free who cannot command himself." ~Pythagoras ***WARNING** NOT medical advice. Do your own research and consult your doctor before altering your diet.*** In long-form, discussion format, MG shares his experience with fasting for 36 hours, once-a-week (for 26 weeks). Like the Burpee experiment that arose from a mediation last year, an early February mediation this year brought forth the idea to experiment with fasting, just once, for 36 hours (no food/no protein). What began as a one-time experiment evolved into a half-year journey. In this episode, Martin discusses the experience from week one to week 26 and shares the good, the bad and the ugly. The primary driver was simply to see WHO is in control? Reflecting upon Pythagoras' great quote, "No man is free who cannot command himself," the question became, "Am I really free or bound by impulse? Who is in control, my behaviors and body or my mind?" "Could I go 36 hours without food after a lifetime of being conditioned to eat whenever I felt hungry