

"There are no accidents Shifu."  ~Oogway  Deepak Chopra likes to say, "There are no accidents . . .  there is only some purpose we haven't yet understood. Einstein said, "God does not play dice with the universe." Even the wisdom of the movie Kung Fu Panda asserts that everything happens for a reason.   But this line of thought leads us down a path of dichotomous thinking. Are there really NO accidents? There are entire industries devoted to accidents. Rather than believing everything is predetermined or destined to be, it is worth considering that it doesn't have to be an either/or situation. Consider sports and the games we play. There are rules AND there is random chance. In life we have rules; gravity, principles — things that are unwavering AND we also have the element of chance. We need not explain away accidents and simply assert they are all predetermined. Listen in for more on accepting both rules and accidents, why life is like a board game..  Enjoy the episode! *** New listeners: By texting the wor