Fuse 8 N' Kate

Episode 260 - A Valentine for Norman Noggs



Librarians, if you're anything like Betsy, then, when the time is right, every year you trot out the same dang Valentine's Day books that are in the Holiday section of your library. All the newer books go out first, leaving behind the stuff that came out in, oh say, 1999. This is the rare example of a book that Betsy didn't know bupkiss about. She didn't know anything about the creators or the title itself, so we're just jumping in because a quick read yielded strange thoughts. In today's discussion we talk about eggnog, hamsters, the quality of the education these critters are receiving, and what this book gets right. For the full Show Notes please visit: https://afuse8production.slj.com/2023/02/13/fuse-8-n-kate-a-valentine-for-norman-noggs-by-valiska-gregory-ill-marsha-winborn/