
A Lifetime Doing Nothing (Story 78 excerpt)



Story 78 from 'A Lifetime Doing Nothing' by Ian McCrorie. One summer I drove a truck for an oil company. Two of us installed the oil tanks for furnaces in the basement of houses. It was dirty work. The basements were often unheated. They were seldom clean. One day, it was particularly cold and rainy. We entered through the back door into the kitchen. On my way to the basement stairs I came upon the owners, two unwed older sisters having a breakfast of tea and toast. The tea had just been poured, and... narrated by Ian McCrorie 2023 4 minutes 51 seconds Listen to Streaming Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Download Audio (2.8MB) Audio copyright, 2023 Pariyatti 'A Lifetime Doing Nothing' as a book and eBook can be found at More by Ian McCrorie. View more books and audio