Durban Christian Centre

Love Is In The Blood



Have you ever wondered, what it was, that caused the Father in Heaven to send His Only Begotten of a Son, to shed His blood and die on that cruel and wicked Roman cross?   Throughout the history of the Old Testament saints, there had always been the shedding of animal blood, ever since that ill-fated event in the Garden, when Adam and Eve fell and succumbed to sin.   And then through the many wars and battles that were fought, many people did die and much blood was shed, much human blood. But none that could be considered to be without blemish, none that could be certified by Heaven as being holy, righteous and incorruptible!   And yet, that’s exactly what Jesus blood was! It was the incomparable, extravagant love of God, that caused His Son Jesus to shed His blood and die on that cross.   As that blood flowed, God’s unconditional love was in the blood for you and me.    And still today in that crimson flow, you will find God’s love, yearning to make it’s way into the heart of every single person on the face