Theatre First

372: Coming Out (Chapel Off Chapel, Melbourne Australia) (review)



Stream podcast episodes on demand from (mobile friendly). Coming Out – (Chapel Off Chapel, Melbourne, Australia) Showmanship, humour, pathos, anger, avert messaging and song are part of this well-meaning, but noticeably stretched offering. At its core is a gay man, Cole, Stephen Loftus, now comfortable in his own skin, although, it wasn't always that way. He talks about his school years and coming out to his parents. And then after he references a mentor, played by Scott Taylor, the mood of the production quickly changes. For more details visit For more Theatre reviews from Alex, visit Subscribe, rate and review Theatre First at all good podcast apps, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Pocket Casts, CastBox.FM, Podbean, Spreaker etc. If you're enjoying Theatre First podcast, please share and tell your friends. Your support would be appreciated...thank you. Theatre First RSS fe