Starseed Radio Academy

New Starseed Quest Stories!



Join us to hear some stories from our recent Starseed Quest alumni!  We've been taking soul groups to the crystal capital of the world since 2012, and each year, it becomes more empowering for those who attend.  The Starseed Quest has evolved to higher levels of activation, as we continue to receive information from other realms.  Mount Ida, AR is in Montgomery county, which is the heart of the crystal grid for the entire planet, and you can also dig your own crystals.  The work we do there has global influence because of that, as well as the personal empowerment of each person attending. Our next gathering will be May 19-22 for the Pleiadean Line Up Quest, and the response has been strong, though we do have a handful of spots still available.  If you have at least one galactic marking on your Natal chart, you are eligible to attend.  If you feel the call to come, but don't know if you have the required markings, just send an email to: crystals at starseedhotline dot com and we'll take a quick look.  Our mai