Autoimmune Hour On Life Interrupted Radio With Sharon Sayler

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) and Other Medical Mysteries



Are you tired of being told it's all in your head, or your tests all come back normal, and you still feel like cr*p...? Maybe you are having symptoms like food or environmental sensitivities, unresolved aches, pain, and fatigue... or skin rashes, nerve problems, racing heart, headaches, or feeling like every part of you is on overload? We welcome back Dr. Anne Hill, ND., to answer questions about the rise of MCAS and other tough-to-diagnosis conditions. She specializes in functional medicine and other medical modalities to uncover 'mystery' chronic illnesses. On average, people come to her after seeing ten or more physicians, have multiple diagnoses (or NO working diagnosis), and are still sick with no answers. She's found that many of her patients with chronic conditions also have MCAS. That's why we invited Dr. Anne Hill back to answer our questions like — • What is a mast cell, and what 'activates' it,• How to know if it's MCAS or something else,• What type of doctor is best to treat you, • How environme