Kettlebrook West Bend

Re-created Cultivators in Christ, Eph. 2: 10 & Col. 3: 23



Questions for Reflection/Discussion: 1. Why do you think the “Mission Impossible” film series is so popular? What is it about people that long to live a life of purpose & significance? 2. Have you ever thought of yourself as being on a mission? What might that look like for you? 3. Read Ephesians 2:10. What do you think it means that God prepared good works in advance for us to do? What might those ‘good works’ be? 4. How would it change how you approach your work if you consider that God prepared good works in advance for you to do? 5. Read Colossians 3:17 & 23. Paul begins by telling us to 'do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus' and then gives a list of what that might look like. He ends with “whatever you do work at it with all your heart.” What is the connection between those two? 6. How might you give glory and honor to Jesus this week by 'working with all your heart' at your place of employment? What might that look like for you specifically?