Kettlebrook West Bend

Cultivators Under Curse, Genesis 3: 17- 19 & 1 Peter 2: 18- 25



Questions for Reflection/Discussion: (For this series, we wanted to give you the same questions that we asked the panel… so, how would you answer the below three questions:) · Which parts of your work life feel like they are under the curse? · How have you tried to express your faith in the workplace/at school? What has went well? What has not went well? · In what ways do you wish you were better equipped to reflect God at work/school? Further discussion questions: 1. Read Genesis 3:17-19. How would the words “toil, sweat, thorn and thistle” be seen in your own life? 2. A story was shared at the beginning of the message about three different responses by three different men about their work. How would you respond to the question of “What are you doing?” as was proposed in this story. 3. What significance, if any, might there be to Jesus being given a crown of thorns? 4. What might be some practical ways that you could worship and glorify God in your work this week?