Kettlebrook West Bend

Created as Cultivators, Genesis 2: 15



Questions for Reflection/Discussion: (For this series, we wanted to give you the same questions that we asked the panel… so, how would you answer the below three questions:) · Do you think you are doing what you were created to do (in terms of “work”)? Why or why not? · What are some of the barriers that you face in trying to bear the image of God in your work? · How has your faith changed the way you see your work? Further Discussion Questions: 1. In what ways might your identity/self worth be wrapped up in your work? 2. Robert Banks sorts work into five different categories that reflect the nature and character of God. What were these categories, and which one(s) might your work most closely reflect? How are you trying to reflect God in this way at work? 3. Read Genesis 2:15. What do you think God intended in this verse? 4. What role does Jesus play in your life when it comes to your work? 5. What might be some practical ways that you could worship and glorify God in your work this week?