Kettlebrook West Bend

Empowered for Everyday: Followers, Colossians 1:6b



Questions for Reflection/Discussion: 1. Verse 4 talks about being 'In Christ' - how do you know if you are 'In Christ?' 2. What is one area that God has empowered you to show the good news of Jesus in everyday life? (how has God changed your everyday life through the good news of Jesus?) 3. What is one area that God still needs to empower you to show the good news of Jesus in everyday life? 4. How might Jesus speak encouragement to you in the midst of that struggle? What would be 'good news?' 5. What are some of the supports that help you to continue to be pointed from 'be you, do you, for you' to 'Christ in you, Christ through you, for others?' Share as a group what that looks like in your everyday life? 6. How do you still desire to see the good news of Jesus bear fruit through your everyday life and the everyday life of our family at Kettlebrook?