Kettlebrook West Bend

Hospitality, 1 Timothy 3: 1-3



Questions for Reflection/Discussion: 1. In what ways (if any) does your life rhythm change in summertime? In what ways would you maybe wish it would change? 2. Re-read 1 Timothy 3:1-3. Of the characteristics that Paul lists for leaders of the family of faith, which of these stick out to you and why? 3. Why do you think “hospitable” made the list of these important qualities/characteristics? 4. Share a time when someone has been intentionally and radically hospitable to you. What was that like for you? 5. What barriers get in the way of you being hospitable (or more hospitable)? 6. How, according to the Scriptures has God been intentionally and radically hospitable? In what ways should this inform and motivate our hospitality? 7. What might be some ways you can be intentionally hospitable this summer? With who might you be intentionally hospitable this summer?