Zoomer Week In Review

The Cases and Causes of Irwin Cotler & Remembering Hazel McCallion



The documentary, "First to Stand", tracks the cases and causes of Irwin Cotler. You know him as a Former Justice Minister currently serving as a Special Envoy to Combat Anti-Semitism. Cotler, above all, is a renowned human rights lawyer who set a template for freeing political prisoners going back to his first case: Soviet dissident Anatoly Natan Sharansky who was imprisoned in 1977. Libby Znaimer reached Irwin Cotler in Jerusalem. AND She was a force of nature, a legend and an icon. Hazel McCallion was a rare politician who was beloved as well as respected. She also epitomized aging well, remaining engaged and relevant until she died last week at 101. Here we share some of the best of the interviews Libby did to mark her 100th birthday.