Milan Obsession

Midseason Musings



 The podcast has freed itself, at least for one episode, from the closet in the basement which it has been hiding in. Because midseason. There’s just too much to talk about. From day to day news, a season update, talking about Montella and the squad, to the vast amount of mercato news. Oh yeah, and that little subject of the sale of the club. So take advantage of this temporary freedom and listen… for the sake of the podcast.  An epic return of the podcast required an epic guest. Which means Pete, of course. Anyone who has ever followed him on Twitter @PDAcquaviva knows what I am talking about. So in tackling the midseason mountain of dialogue, we discussed: News of the Week: Papa Bertolacci, Suso’s right arm, Milan Ladies moment in the spotlight, Lapadula virtuoso, FIFA’s bigger World Cup, the letter J Season Update: reviewing the matches to date Montella: Milan players who are representing The Squad: players on the training table Mercato Update: players on the training table  Sale of the Club: pl