Milan Obsession




With so many token moves from the club at the beginning of this calendar year and so many claims of moving forward, fans have subjected themselves to poor performances galore hoping to see some progress. But as one by one, things have fallen through: the deal with Mr. Bee, the stadium, and Berlusconi’s random opening of the wallet, it has become obvious that progress is not in the plans. But with the announcement that Boateng is likely to sign in January and the reports that Montolivo is set to sign a three year extension, not only are we no longer going forward, we are actually regressing.  The victim of all of this bad news in one podcast was Pete, of fame. If you miss his regular brilliance there, then you should follow him on Twitter at @pdacquaviva. We commiserated about: News of the Week: regressing Season Update: Milan’s regression What the Hell, Milan? regression Mihajlovic Trolling: LOL Coming Up: try to avoid the upcoming matches If you are not following Pete on Twitte