Milan Obsession

Team Mihajlovic



Recorded immediately after the disappointing and yet strangely encouraging Derby loss, this podcast was like therapy for Milan fans. Despite losing, there are still encouraging signs within the team. And yet there are bad signs financially while things look to be improving on the pitch. There have been a lot of rumors and criticism of Mihajlovic’, and yet it seems like there is a lot of solidarity and support for him, too. So above all else, it’s a good time to ask yourself: Are you on Team Mihajlovic? Post Derby, I had to have the co-founder and former co-blogger of Milan Obsession on, the legendary Jovan. Check out to see the amazing fantasy football game he’s created, just one of four fantasy games for four of the major leagues in Europe. In our post-Derby depression, we meandered about:   • News of the Week: Mister Nesta, new opening, Q&A for kids, wage bill worries, Curva Sud, Balotelli’s greatest crime • Match Roundups: Mantova-Milan friendly, Inter-Milan Derby • Mercato: updates o