Autoimmune Hour On Life Interrupted Radio With Sharon Sayler

Food For Thought: Is Your Healthy Eating Making You Sick?



Are you down to a handful of foods and screaming, "I don't know what to eat!"Now, we're not minimizing food sensitivities or allergies. I've got several severe ones myself, yet in my years of doing the show and meeting many in the autoimmune world, I've noticed a fair share, without testing, have thrown out whole food groups to the point where they are only eating a handful of foods — which is not healthy either. Look, our nutrition needs are individual and nuanced. That's why I invited Amanda Mittman, MS, RDN, LDN, and founder of Happy Valley Nutrition, to help us explore why so many of those diagnosed with autoimmunity have disorganized, disordered eating patterns and many foods, including multiple food groups, are on their 'no-no' lists… Amanda gets it. Her teen and early adult 'food rules' were neither attainable, sustainable, or, most importantly, healthy. Those 'food rules' led her to be diagnosed with disordered eating and orthorexia. (I've heard about other eating disorders, such as anorexia, yet I wa