The New Stack Makers

2023 Hotness: Cloud IDEs, Web Assembly, and SBOMs



Here's a breakdown of what we cover: Cloud IDEs will mature as GitHub's Codespaces platform gains acceptance through its integration into the GitHub service. Other factors include new startups in the space, such as GitPod, which offers a secure, cloud-based IDE, and Uptycs, which uses telemetry data to lock-down developer environments. "So I think you'll, you're just gonna see more people exposed to it, and they're gonna be like, 'holy crap, this makes my life a lot easier '." FinOps reflects the more stringent views on managing costs, focusing on the efficiency of resources that a company provides for developers. The focus also translates to the GreenOps movement with its emphasis on efficiency. Software bill of materials (SBOMs) will continue to mature with Sigstore as the project with the fastest expected adoption. Witness, from Telemetry Project, is another project. The SPDX community has been at the center of the movement for over a decade now before people cared about it.  GitOps and Open Telemetry: Thi