Robin Hood Radio Interviews

Marshall Miles Interviews-John Harney Co-President Salisbury Housing Trust and Jenn Clark from the Housing Trust Board, chairman of the Salisbury Housing Commission



Salisbury Affordable Housing Commission Appointed by the Town’s Board of Selectmen, this Town commission promotes the creation of affordable housing and supports the town’s other two private, non-profit housing organizations. Stay informed by joining the SAHC mailing list. Salisbury Housing Committee A private, non-profit organization that owns, manages, and develops affordable rental housing in Salisbury. Read more about East Railroad Street, a property that was donated to the Committee for the purpose of developing affordable rental units. Read more about the Committee’s current project, Holley Place, a 12-unit affordable housing project in Lakeville. Salisbury Housing Trust A private, non-profit organization that develops affordable home-ownership housing in Salisbury. Go to for comprehensive affordable housing information, to learn more about the housing organizations in town, their particular roles and how we can help. You’ll find… Li