Bossy Bruja Prayers

Love Invocation 11: Love Reincarnates



D A Y 11: L O V E  R E I N C A R N A T E S What’s good witches! It’s day 11 of our LOVE INVOCATION! Welcome, welcome. My name is Ayodele Fuega. You can find me on instagram @bossybruja or at I am so happy you’re here. Eleven is a special number, it’s a number denoting wisdom, gateway to higher consciousness, and instantaneous manifestations. So, for today’s activity, I want you to think of your Ancestors—the ones who came before you and the ones who walk with you and among you still. Whenever I think of the Ancestors I can’t help but think of the incredible love and sacrifices that they made to create opportunities for us. As a Black woman in America, I can’t help but think of those families which were divided and the lovers whose love was not honored, whose love was destroyed. But, I also feel encouraged because of a book I read in my teens called Redemption Song. It was the story of two spirits who reincarnated lifetime after lifetime, generation after generation to seek and love one another