Bossy Bruja Prayers

Love Invocation 01: Love Heals



Peace and blessings, I am Ayodele Fuega of Welcome to our LOVE INVOCATION and a special welcome to Bunny who will be reading along while most of you will be listening along. I am so thankful to have this space, this opportunity to pray and to express gratitude to the Divine for the experience of beautiful, blissful, enchanting, wonderful, rapturous love in our lives. We are going to release one prayer a day for the entire month of June. And for everyone following along our affirmation for this month is: “May the love of Spirit permeate our being, radiate through us, and find its match with ease. May we give expression to Spirit loving itself in another. May we lend our Bodies, Minds, and Hearts to love. May we know true love intimately now. Amen. Asé. Ameen.”  I am thrilled to start this journey. I started off with a spiritual bath, I suggest that anyone who feels led to do so do the same and also make sure you check out my blog on where I have left a short note for all particip