Dr Karin Love & Life

The Science Behind What Actually Happened Over the Last 2 ½ Years—and what YOU can do about it! with Richard Fleming, M.D., Ph.D., J.D. Ep. 209



As a scientist, physician, and attorney with over 50 years researching and publishing in top tier academic journals and presenting at conferences and conventions, Dr. Richard Fleming is uniquely positioned to critically examine the last 2 ½ years. In our conversation Dr. Richard Fleming addresses the following: The misinformation from both “sides.” Is asymptomatic transmission a thing? Vaccine efficacy—it’s likely NOT what you think! What’s the origin story of the virus? Do we have receipts? How the mass campaign put pressure on the virus which drove the variants. The science behind why those who took the shot, are now MORE likely to get sick. Research proposals and grant funding—how the NIH actually distributes funding. Dr. Fleming provides us with an enormous amount of insider information, but many, many questions remain unanswered. And, as citizens whose tax dollars pay for these government agencies, we have the right to know what actually happened with this pandemic. Please join us by headin