Easton Bible Church's Podcast

Episode 4: "Jesus Is All You Need" Rooted Week 4



We live in a scary world. Wars and threats of wars, geo-political tensions, fake news and deep fakes, unstable weather patterns that threaten crops and other weather-dependent industries, political factions and division, inflation, housing prices and rising interest rates, sickness and disease, epidemic-levels of depression and anxiety among adults and teens, the disturbing effects of social media and the dehumanizing dangers of digital technology, the list goes on and on. How do you live in a world like this without, to put it bluntly, freaking out?In this week's passage in Paul's letter to the Colossians, Paul powerfully explains that, while it's easy to trust in all sorts of things- money, a political party, in science, or in religion or karma- to feel like we have some control over our lives, Jesus is all we need. When you're rooted in Jesus, there's nothing to fear.Can we help you find roots in Jesus? Can you help our roots grow stronger? Contact us.More info https://www.ebc.org or call (609.267.4755), e